Thursday, December 30, 2010

Snow House Happenings; My Resolution to be Resolute

Here we  are yet again on the eve of the eve of the new year. As usual I am being over whelmed with a plethora of new years resolutions uttered by others. Those who are not making new years resolutions are asking me what resolutions I will be making. I am making the Resolution to be Resolute, yes that is my resolution. What is the point in making a resolution if you are not going to stick by it anyway? I have already made my 3 resolutions since August and I have been doing well in carrying these out so far. Hence I don't need a new resolution, I need to be resolute.

Resolve to be Resolute


  1. A promise is only comfort to a fool, then why fool ourselves every year.. I myself don't get why we make resolutions we cannot keep.

    Must be the human element.

  2. well i personally hate to start anything in the its a movie, a book, a game, a conversation, the day, anything and i'm sure im not alone in this.........

    For some people making resolutions that will start or go into effect the 1st day of the new year or within the 1st month of the new year is way more appealing. They deem the ruler from which they will judge their less complicated..........and easier to keep track of....

    either not challenging what anyone elses feels........but wy call the ones that choose to execute their plans that way foolish?...or liars.........its not the resolutions that are lacking.its the discipline and the will power that are never enforced........



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