Sunday, September 09, 2012

The At Home Facial

Clean - apply a cleanser of your choice to your face and massage it gently in all over your face/chin/ neck for 2-6 minutes. During a massage routine, blood circulation accelerates the deposits of lactic acid and get washed out of the muscles. Give yourself a massage about five to ten minutes.  

Steam - After this time (2-3 minutes)  has lapsed fill your sink/large bowl with warm/hand hot water and soak a muslin cloth into it. Squeeze the excess water out of the muslin cloth. Cover your face with the muslin cloth and press it to your skin, when the cloth has cooled, dip the muslin cloth into the warm water again and repeat this process again. 

- if you need to do a real skin purging steam, fill the sink 1/2 way with hot hot hot water, and get a large beach towel. Cover your entire head + sink with the large beach towel and let the steam seep into your pores for a good 5 minutes at least. 

Exfoliate - After the second time fold the muslin cloth into 4 and begin to gently remove the cleanser from your face/chin/neck in circular motions. make sure to focus n the areas around your nose, hairline, just under your earlobe and your forehead/t zone. 

Chemical peel - to cleansed skin apply chemical peel as per instructions, most peels that I have tried have a 10 - 15 minute application time. (I usually apply my peels for 40mins - 1 hour, but that is what works for me and my comfort level. The first time I did this was by accident I fell asleep.) If I do a Chemical peel I will not use the muslin cloth, I will manually cleanse my face using my fingers. The exfoliating actions will come from the chemical peel. 

Mask - If you have Oily skin like myself I would suggest using a clay mask. For those of you with dry skin a hydrating mask would be better suited to your skin type. each mask comes with its own instructions, most masks have a wear time of between 8-15 minutes. leave on the mask for the suggested time on the instructions and then remove and rinse skin completely. ( I leave on my clay masks for an hour, but that is MY personal preference) The purpose of applying a clay mask is to draw out impurities to close the pores and remove any rough scaly surface on the skin and tighten the facial muscles. 

DIY: Making your own mask is very easy. An orange and yogurt mask is especially simple. Mix 1 tablespoon of plain Greek yogurt with the juice of about one fourth of an orange. Spread the mixture evenly over your face and rinse after 5 to 10 minutes. 
- Also you could apply the egg and yoghurt mask. Apply moisturiser around the eyes and mouth. Whip one egg with plain organic yoghurt and apply to face avoiding the eye and mouth areas. Let it dry for a few minutes. Rinse off with warm water and a splash of cold water to close pores.

Toner - Apply toner to cotton pad and gently wipe all over face/chin/neck. 

Hydrate - last but by no means least apply a moisturiser and/or serum of your choice. 

****Products work better the longer they are able to stay in contact with your skin. So for treatments such as masks and peels since they are gentle anyway, I do not mind testing them on my skin for longer periods of time. Like I said this works for me.****


  1. im sitting here reading this in my Cocoa Powder mask reading this

  2. Great post, Kae-Toya! I haven't done an at-home facial since I was in my teens... about time! Thank you!



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