Wednesday, October 06, 2010

My First name check

I realized today that I am an intrigued individual. Once, and not too long ago, it took so much to impress me and while impressed, I’d be easily distracted and still, I’d lose interest so quickly... but now, now I’m so passionate... passionate about everything and I’m concerned because I know not from whence the fuck this passion has originated. I conversed today with some new friends about music. The conversation drifted swiftly to children and the nature vs. nurture argument and on to other more philosophical theories. I am not a psychologist and I do not profess to be one, nor am I a musician or paid critic; I am not an analyst of any sort and I am not a philosopher in the least though I sometimes pretend to be philosophical. But the deep moving sensation I got from these conversations was incredible and the intimacy I felt as a result inspired me. I could not begin to describe the feeling but it was welcomed. I felt good... like a raging pulsation from the veins under my skin and my face tightened and I could hear my heart beat. It was almost orgasmic.
Perhaps I’m becoming more appreciative of people and their opinions. Maybe I’m developing a deeper sensitivity. Maybe my oestrogen levels are too high and I’m “bitching out”. Maybe I need to man up.
Either way, this post is not to brag that I have new friends. It is not to inform anyone of the changes in my personal development. It is not to show off that I can cum without cumming either, just in case you wonder. To be quite honest, this post serves no real purpose other than to pen something so KaeToya, Shawn’s English sweetheart and my new friend, would cease sparking a disappointment of myself in myself that I’m neglecting my art. This post is completely selfish and intended to appease me myself.
So in essence, I’m not changing. I’m not sensitive, philosophical and/or concerned with nature vs. nurture I am not appreciative or caring. I am selfish, completely, and I like how it makes me feel even, if not especially, in conversation with others, to hear the sound of my own voice.

This is a post by my friend Jeremy Davis on his blog...............who made this post simply because he was FED UP of me pestering him about updating his

love ya too J


  1. you guys obviously have both been inspired by the great Shawn N. Maile and by that I am touched...

  2. "Yeah right" you are late to the blogging party remember son.



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