Friday, August 12, 2011

And I'm feeeeeeeeeeeeeling good.....

At times we think that we are the only ones enduring and that everyone else has it just fine and dandy, but that is so not true. Everyone endures, however we all endure in different ways. Some people drink, some do drugs, some shop, some act recklessly. I am blessed, in so many ways. I haven't been 100% for a while now and I have realized why. I haven't been appreciating the here and now. This all of this that has been occurring, internships, working, making new friends trying new things at restaurants, foot rubs, late night rendezvous, the hard talks, the struggles, the rejection. All of these things are good even though some may have been bad experiences and others good experiences I should have been appreciating them nonetheless, because at times we all need to be humbled. Humbling doesn't have to be a bad thing, In this instance it has given me fodder for meditation.

Be Elevated


  1. This is so empowering hun. I will try to take what you said to heart and be elevated

  2. Great words of positivity. I will definitely try to be elevated from now on



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