Saturday, August 13, 2011

Dennis Rodman Hall of Fame acceptance speech...

I think that Dennis Rodman has become a man, a man recognizes his mistakes admits them, and tries to do better.

Don't be afraid to admit your mistakes.


  1. Thanks for posting this. It was a very difficult speech to watch. I don't know much about Mr. Rodman's history or even his basketball. All I know is the public caricature he made of himself. I don't want to judge, and I am happy to see that the people he has been hurting all these years where present to support him. Perhaps one of the reasons for this is that they may be aware that he has been even more destructive to himself than to them.

    What I see are the ragged remnants of a wasted life. I see someone who, blessed with talent, opportunity, fame and riches has in return been extremely ungrateful and chosen to disregard the love extended to him and the immense beauty in his life. This is very sad. I only hope he actually changes for the better.

  2. I see where you are coming from Joya, but some people don't know how to love people. Honestly there is not other way to say it, people can only operate within the parameter which they have been given they do as much as they know. If they haven't been taught to stretch themselves far beyond the boundaries that they exist within then all they will ever be is filled with potential.

    It is sad his state and like he said he had to use that forum to air his issues. But I remember one time this girl said her father lived with her all her life and she had to ask god to forgive for all the things he did not do. See even though he was in the house she and her sibling still suffered neglect.

    Life is funny all I hope is that those of us who know better do better, and the sad case is that we don't.



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