Thursday, November 11, 2010

Autumn House happenings: I'm tired in my spirit.

I'm tired
not physically tired
spiritually tired
I'm tired of all these women who dont want to fight for themselves,
I'm tired of being upset on their behalf when man of all races and hues regale me with tales
of them
it feels like I am the only one fighting
and I cannot fight for you
if you don t want to fight for yourself
so many beautiful women are just reduced to a bang or a fuck.
I am tired of being upset on your behalf when these men ridicule you and call you derogatory names.
I am tired, are you not tired?
I need to rest.

A original poem By Kae-Toya Lee-Bramble


  1. This made me sad cus it's a very vivid reminder of how women constantly degrade themselves just to be the subject of men's nasty jokes. For what? Think before you do. I'm tired too. :-(



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