Thursday, February 06, 2014

Today is not like yesterday

So how about them Seahawks? Well here we are in the 6th week of the new year. January has come and gone in a haze of wind and rain here in the UK. February is now upon us with more rain, hail, sleet and snow expected. According ot statistics (I have no idea how the stats are gathered) 80% of the persons who made new years resolutions have already broken them, the British economy lost 38 millions pounds on monday due to the amount of persons who did not go into work on monday after watching the superbowl on sunday night.

No worries though when it comes to your New Years resolutions you can still dust them off and start again, get back on track. Is it not part of success to fail, have doubts or derail a little? Sometimes we all fall short of the glory, but we can still achieve our goals/ resolutions in the end if we have the courage to start again. Today is not like yesterday, we must remember that everyday brings fresh perspective  and new opportunities, it is up to us to grab them.

Now in relation to the lost millions cause on Monday, Valentines Day is just around the corner and I am sure the guys and girls will be making up the deficit in some small way.

Be Courageous


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