Tuesday, January 18, 2011

MYST BODY 2011: Breakfast Bite

Hey hey lovelies no I have not forgotten you all and no I have not fell off the wagon. I just got a bit caught up with assignments towards December.Today is the first breakfast bit for the new year And it is a small one but all the same here goes. Special K red berries ( yes it tastes like cardboard) with skimmed milk (no sugar), and a cup of green tea with a satsuma. and my regular 2 cod liver oil tablets

Thursday, January 13, 2011

January House Happenings: It's summer body time

I am lounging on my sofa at home in my pajamas writing this message, yea, yea, yea. It's January guys JAN -U-ARY  you know that that means? 1. it is the FIRST month of the year, 2. the first star sign in the horoscope begins in January, 3. it is time for everyone who has over indulged during the Christmas/Autumn term to start getting their bodies in shape for Spring and Summer. Birthday plans are still in the making so no word on that yet.  Will let you guys know how the festivities have gone. 


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