Sunday, June 06, 2010

Summer House Happenin's: Carnival please stay dont go away

I love mas for those of you who don't know I am a first generation Antiguan. Antigua is one of the Caribbean islands and is a twin island state Antigua and Barbuda. During the last week in July and the First week in August. Carnival in Antigua came about as an evolution of the celebration of emancipation.
 A group of businesses got together and decided to put together a week long festival of cultural activities and fifty plus years later carnival is still here. I remember when I was young and Carnival was the height of summer. We waited in earnest for carnival to watch the shows and see the parades. Later on it was a jump up or two. 
Then I played pan with the best Hellsgate Steel Orchestra, in 2001 I played mas for the first time and since then it has been a wrap. In 2009 I played mas with MYST mas troupe and I was home. Myst is my family and my parent will never divorce and leave me without my brothers and sisters.

Summer House Happenin's: End of exams

Hello well the end of exams came and it went just as swiftly. Leaving me in its wake with a beating delivered by managing finance, Economic theory, and business statistics----------> shudders. For those who think that student life is easy let me tell you it is not. You are broke and constantly in need and the time. The light at the end of the tunnel is your only hope that gets you through day by day. There are highs and there are lows, and some days there were just tears. However this year has been unlike any other. I have opened up myself to my faith more than ever before, also let some new friends into my life. These new faces have been the source of much laughter, joy, arguments, debates, inspiration and motivation. My love for my family has been ever bountiful for on the days when I didnt believe in myself they kept me going with kind words about my capabilities. I am so grateful to the lord for blessing me with what I have.



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