Saturday, January 21, 2012

Positive words of discouragement

     I think that at times in being positive, people are still negative. They say things intending to be nice or in their minds supportive, but throw in ad libs and by lines which are very f**King negative. These things my aunt refers to as positive words of discouragement.These add ons usually begin like this ----> people who do those things, "think" yadda yadda yadda, or "if you go do that make sure, for" yadda yadda yadda." Look make up your mind you are either supportive or not supportive. End of the day even if it is only an attendance certificate, people work hard and they should be allowed to be proud and celebrate, because that is an accomplishment. I keep saying over and over we need to celebrate the small things,so that when the big things come they can be taken it in stride. 

Be truly supportive

Miss Mai

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Quote of the Day - Actor Jeremy Irons offers tips on how to save cash.

"I wear old clothes . I do not buy new clothes unless I really have to." 
I love this quote, to me it a very refreshing and common sense approach to saving. Especially in these times where many persons  find themselves strapped for cash but are lead by feelings of consumerist behavior, materialistic values, jealousy and greed. Too many persons are blindly keeping up with the "Joneses."  Rather worst they are in competition with people who are not even aware there is a race going on. It is okay to wear those shoes, dress, shirt or skirt over and over, and if it is good enough for Jeremy Irons it is good enough for me. 

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Words for Wednesday

"Forgiveness of others comes only when you can let go of your own hurt. The more complete the release, the more sincere the forgiveness." 

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Are you waterproofing your Leathers?

     Yes that is the title of this blog post.  Bewteen reality tv, youtube, blogs, fashion magazines and just general development of my style I have become a bag lover. I LOVE the look of  a nice handbag. I have quite conservative tastes so most of the bags I like tend to be of a simple design and made from leather.

      I ventured into the realm of luxury bags with help from my roomate in 2009 and purchased a leather day bag from Dune named the Mission bag, it was the hot bag for the season and with some help I only paid 50% of the cost price for it. Since it was leather and I come from an old fashioned "polish your school shoes every Sunday night kinda family." I went looking for something to polish my bag with and I was introduced to "Tarrago shoe cream". Shoe creams cleanse, protect, nourish and condition fine leathers of any kind or colour including smooth, grained or delicate finishes. Helps leather to resist stains.  

     Fast forward to 2012 and after inquiring about leather bag care at one of my fave shops Zara. I was informed that 1. they wouldn't get the bag in question wet, 2. The do not sell products to care for leather bags EVEN though they sell such ITEMS and 3. just go to the shoemaker and they would give me something to use. After a failed trip to Timpson, I went to Jones the Boot maker where I was given a thorough education about leathers leather care and how important it is not only to keep fine leathers covered from dust, but It is also imperative that we waterproof them. "Leather is a skin and just like our skin it is important to keep it nourished and moisturized in order to prolong its life. It is also important to keep it waterproofed so that the material becomes resistant to rain, reason being if the material gets wet and dried constantly eventually that will cause the leather to become hard and dry." He did his do, but he was trying to sell me 3 products and I am not that dedicated especially after using my one stop shop shoe cream for these past few years. I was on the Mulberry website browsing and saw that they had some care products. Enter Collonil Classic Leather Gel

 "Collonil Classic Leather Gl is a solvent free gentle gel to improve the water resistance of certain leathers. It can help leather to resist dirt and moisture. This leather gel can be used on Natural leather, Printed leather, Pebbled leather, Soft spongy leather, Glazed goat leather, Soft Buffalo leather, Glossy buffalo leather," *taken from the Mulberry Website*

The product itself says
- Highly effective waterproofing gel.
- Suitable for any product made from leathers, nubuck, suede and textiles. 
- Provides long lasting waterproofing to all materials

- Wipe area with a damp cloth to remove surface dirt.
- Apply gel evenly
- Once dry polish the leather with a cloth
- Use as often as necessary. 

So there I have it my 1 stop shop product. We all like nice things, but in order for them to remain nice we must take care of them. Leather bags are items that should last a really long time as ling as they are provided with adequate care. the leather needs to be cleaned, polished and nourished. So I will waterproof my leathers, will you?

For my American readers you can purchase this product here on Amazon and it is quite a substantial amount of product at a great price. #envious

Hands up if you didn't know that Goat leather existed?
Have a great day my lovelies. 

Saturday, January 07, 2012

Review - Hairveda Almond Glaze

     So it was week 9 in my 12 week stretch and my new growth was live and in living colour.  Normally I use coconut oil on my scalp, but I found that it was not working. I do not know if it is the weather  if my roots are just thirsty, or the stretching but my scalp was just dry. No matter how much coconut oil I put on it. My roomie suggested that I try "Hairveda' Almond Glaze Natural Hair Pomade", since I had had such good results from using the "Hairveda Whipped Creme Ends in the summer". I knew that almond oil was very rich and moisturizing, since I had been using it on my skin for years, but I had never tried it on my hair. I was game because as we know dry, flaky scalp is not cute. she gave me a tub which she was not using it had in about 1/4 of product left.  

The packaging reads Almond Glaze Natural Hair Pomade Grease. apply to hair as often as needed to help soften and smooth newgrowth, twists or braids. Helps with creating sleek styles with natural type 4 hair. Ingredients include Almond oil, Almond butter, Castor seed oil, and beeswax.

    So I do my do, I used it to oil my scalp, first thing I must say about this product is that it smells Gorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgeoussssssssss. It has a very light consistency, and it spreads well, think of  whipped butter. After using this my hair felt soft, was very pliable and shiny.  My scalp was moisturized and it was about 4 days before I saw the need to moisturize again. I loved the results from the first application, but I was a bit skeptical that maybe I was making it out to be more than it was. So I tried a few more times and got the same results. 

     I love this product, I consider it very useful especially if like myself you are stretching out your relaxers. I believe this product would be most beneficial to those with relaxed hair from around week 7 or 8 when the new growth really comes in. Going forward I plan to use my pure coconut oil on my scalp from weeks 1-7 and then from weeks 8-12 oil my scalp using the almond glaze. 

Product reviews on the hairveda whipped creme ends and the hairveda green tea butter will follow soon.

Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Happy New Year

Happy New Year guys I hope that you put your words into actions so that your wishes can be achieved.  "A Goal without a Plan is a Dream."

Miss Mai


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