Wednesday, December 26, 2012

BlogMas Day 25 - And this Christmas will be

A very special Christmas for me. Merry Christmas every one. 

Monday, December 24, 2012

BlogMas Day 24 - Beautiful like diamonds in the sky

    You are beautiful like diamonds in the sky. I totally borrowed from Rihanna just now but what is a girl to do. To those who are going out tonight, be careful, for those who will be at home with their loved ones enjoy these moments, they make the stand out memories in our lives. As for me I have a bottle of Bordeaux that I have been making my way through, -------> I will continue to do so. 

Sunday, December 23, 2012

BlogMas Day 23 - Spirit

     We create our own reality and existence. If we say we’re miserable and focus on the bad then, we’re miserable. Conversely, if we focus on the good in our life and proclaim joy then, we become that too. - Nathan Hale Williams

Saturday, December 22, 2012

BlogMas Day 22 - Fashion after Dark

        Dressing for events past 6 o'clock has never been more important than during the festive season. Christmas holidays bring a plethora of dinners, dances, parties and other social gatherings. The not to distant cry of "I have nothing to wear" has been uttered from the mouth of even the most travelled fashionista. When it comes to post 6pm dining the relaxed comfort of a jumper and some jeans does not cut it among the bright lights of the season. 

To skirt being under dressed there are few guidelines to be observed, above the waist is where all the action takes place. Embellished necklines, jewelled tops, sequinned skirts,  statement necklaces, and jewel toned nails. 

"Dresses that will spend three -quarters of their evening submerges beneath the tables should have a pretty neckline (measured by elegance, not décolletage or be elegantly bestowed with a cluster of precious jewels. Nothing rivals the flattery of a ravishing cocktail blouse , adding instant dress- up to black trousers or white denim. 
 If looking towards full glamour a red lip is always in style." Emma Elwick-Bates for Vogue January 2013.


Friday, December 21, 2012

BlogMas Day 21 - You

      It is here the last weekend before Christmas, the final countdown to the big shebang. Before you go full speed into the weekend, last minute gifts, decorations, cleaning, picking up loved ones from the airport  and all these other activities which accompany the holidays. Step back and take some time for yourself, get your mind right, take a nap, have a soak in the tub (I just did), sip on some Ovaltine while eating a biscuit. 

If none of these ideas sound promising then look over these past posts while you are here and I am sure you will be inspired with innovative ways to keep yourself looking "Gone with the Wind fabulous" these next few days. 

The at home facial

Lipsticks for the season

Glowy dewy skin

"its Christmas everybody"

Thursday, December 20, 2012

BlogMas Day 20 - Cooking

  One way to save time for the Christmas cooking is to divide tasks. Organise the troops and give each individual a set of tasks to complete. Doing this keep the kitchen clear of bodies, and allows for a calm atmosphere.


Wednesday, December 19, 2012

BlogMas Day 19 - Gifts

     Make a charitable donation is someone else's name. Christmas is not only about receiving but giving as well. We should all find ways to make others happy not only at Christmas but all year round.


Monday, December 17, 2012

BlogMas Day 17 - Christmas Savings

1) Make a monthly budget - budgeting is extremely critical if you want to save dollars. Plan how much you want to save for the month and allot a certain amount to whatever expenses you might incur during the month. By determining a target goal savings, you'll be motivated to reduce the amount of your monthly expenses wherever possible to reach that amount.
Christmas Tip - A Christmas budget for gifts would be very essential, have a list of persons and an allotted amount assigned to each person. Gift cards and vouchers from local vendors/craftsmen would come in handy. All gifts do not have to be bought, think out of the box  --> baby sitting services, a home cooked meal, subject tutoring for a child, and help around the house are great gifts. Your girlfriend might smell nice with that lovely body shop gift set you got her but really will she be able to enjoy it if she has no time to herself? It might benefit her more if you offered to watch her child for one Saturday afternoon a month, so that she could get some time to herself. 

2) Shop smart - you would be surprised how the terms "sale" "discount" and "BOGO Free" often cause persons to spend much more than intended. When shopping in stores or online, peruse the items in your cart and keep asking yourself "Do I really need this (insert item)?" For grocery shopping specifically, write a list of the items you need to get and stick to the list. Being disciplined will go a long way. 
Christmas Tip -Plan your Christmas menu NOW, make a list if ingredients needed for each dish and do not buy anything which is not on the list. Planning your Christmas menu allows you room for creativity, enables you to try new dishes and saves you money since you are not trying to cook every possible dish which comes to mind. 

3) Book your flight on weekdays - it's a well-known fact that flying on weekends is more costly than flying on a Tuesday or Wednesday. If you can fly on a weekday, you could easily save yourself $100 either way. Also, keep a sharp lookout for any flight deals that you can take advantage of.

4) Prepare your lunch - you can save a lot by preparing your own meals at home and taking to work rather than buying food every day. Don't scoff at the leftover chicken - use it and create a different meal for the next day!
Christmas Tip - Left overs from your Christmas meal can always be refurbished into another meal on Boxing day. 

5) Turn off and unplug - switching off your fans and lights when leaving the house, and unplugging any unused appliances when not in use will net you significant savings on your next electricity bill.
Christmas tip - Those Christmas lights look great but do they need to be on all night? 

6) Help your savings grow - find a bank or other financial institution that has great interest rates for savings accounts. Also, consider putting some of your savings in a fixed deposit. Fixed deposits offer varying interest rates and interest is paid either every quarter or at the maturity date. You can have the interest from the fixed deposit put on your savings account - which will increase your savings AND the interest paid on it too. 
Christmas Tip - Give money specifically earmarked for SAVING as gifts to children.

7) Splurge smartly - no need to get your hair done or nail design changed every week. Find hairstyles that are long-lasting or can be self-maintained, and go with nail colors that go with just about every outfit possible. You can also save by washing your hair at home.
Christmas Tip - Do you really need your hair done for Christmas and for New Years at the salon? Pick which day is more important and have the one service instead of two. 

8) Be car-conscious - beware the gas-guzzlers! Sure, everyone wants to have the most sophisticated or trendy car, but the expenses associated with maintaining them can eat away at your savings. When buying a car, go for the ones with good gas mileage. Something to consider - buying a well-maintained secondhand vehicle.
Christmas Tip - Carpooling to the various fetes and parties is a great way to save on petrol during the Christmas season. 

9) Brand vs generic - sometimes buying the generic brand can be the best option. Most of the time the generic brand is just as good as (or in some cases, better) than the more well-known brand. And you save on future grocery bills.

10) Beware the credit card - the sweet promise of minimum payments is harshly distorted by the high interest penalties. If you must have a credit card, pay it off completely at the end of every month. Better yet, reconsider getting a credit card and get a debit card - you can only spend what you have in your account.
Christmas Tip - forward thinking/delayed gratification I am very particular about gift receiving, I do not believe in taking just because it is offered. Often during my time as a university student I asked for text books as Christmas gifts. I also put off gifts and called them in later in the year when I really needed it (sort of like an IOU)  a lot of the times these delayed gifts came in handy as money for groceries or money towards my ticket home for summer or spending money or lions money. 

Arniva Richardson graduated Magna Cum Laude from the University of the Virgin Islands St. Thomas in 2008 with a Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration, specializing in Accounting. She went on to graduate with honors from the University of Central Florida in 2010 with a Master of Business Administration, specializing in Finance. She now works as an auditor for KPMG LLC. In her spare time she enjoys reading, dancing and playing steel pan.
Kae -Toya Lee-Bramble Graduated with Honours from the University if the West of England, Bristol in 2012 with a Bachelors of Arts in Business Studies with Economics. She now works as a Financial Services Assistant at Nottingham University Hospitals. In her spare time she enjoys reading, blogging and Lacrosse.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

BlogMas Day 16 - Healthy Cooking

"Let's say you want to make sweet potato pie but sadly you are lactose intolerant like I am or are avoiding dairy products. Have you ever thought about using milk coconut and almond milk instead? They taste better than milk and both are a healthier alternative. One of my friends also recommends using a banana to sweeten your sweet potatoes. It cuts down the usage of unhealthy white sugar!"

Bougie Black Girl 

Saturday, December 15, 2012

BlogMas Day 15 - Drinks

"Looking for an adult treat. Make an awesome smoothie using bananas, apples, strawberries and coconut vodka! If you want it to be creamy add vanilla almond milk."

Bougie Black Girl 

Friday, December 14, 2012

BlogMas Day 14 - Drinks

A little cocktail originated from the isle of my birth.

Caribbean Fantasy - Curtain Bluff, Antigua 

30ml English Harbour Rum
85ml Pineapple juice
A dash of cream of Coconut
A touch of Grenadine cream

- Pour all ingredients into a blender with the ice and whizz together for just a few seconds. Pour into a cool highball glass and garnish with a cherry and pineapple cube.

sip and enjoy

Thursday, December 13, 2012

BlogMas Day 13 - Fragrance

Fragrance buying tips 

1. Trust your intuition 'Your mind knows what suits you, so tune in to it and make the reight decisions,' says fragrance expert Will Andrews.

2. Wait 20 minutes after spritzing 'Once the initial burst of top notes have gone the main fragrance character will emerge,' says Will. (aka you get the reallllllll stuff says Kae-Toya)

3. Download an App 'Try iPerfumer, which offers suggestions for new scents,' says fragrance expert Joanna Norman.

4. Look for clues If you are buying for someone else , think about what they use already, just as you would if choosing clothes or jewellery. find out what they wear now , what fragrance family it is from (floral, oriental, chypre, gourmand) or what its the dominant note is (jasmine, orange blossom, etc) and then look into picking out something similar. 

Boots Health and Beauty Magazine 

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

BlogMas Day 12 - Style

Kick up your heels. If it is not a stiletto, you're missing the point.

Marie Claire Magazine November 2012

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Monday, December 10, 2012

Blogmas Day 10 - Knitwear Maintenance

By Knitwear Designer Madeleine Thompson 

1.  Wash in Hair shampoo. (cashmere is made from goats hair, after all) or a mild detergent made for fine fabrics.

2. Always wash knitwear by hand. (this hand washing business will be my undoing) Wash cashmere in cold water . Don't panic if you see colour in the water - this is just the yarn releasing dye and is normal.

3. Never wring cashmere (apply this principle to all knitwear, it will increase the fabric life) Press and dry flat between towels for the perfect finish.

4. Use a cashmere brush after washing to get rid of any piling. (Piling = those little balls on your knitwear.) Your cashmere will look new again.

5. when storing your knitwear, keep it folded. Hanging can distort the shape of the garment.

6. To avoid those dreaded moth attacks, fill your drawers with scented deterrents such as cedar balls or lavender - moths hate the smell. Failing that, freezing you cashmere in a protective bag will kill any moths or larvae - strange but true! (some say this is true for fine denim as well)

7. When storing, fold your pieces around a sheet of tissue paper to help prevent wrinkles. 

8. Treat stains as quickly as possible, rinsing immediately with cold water (hot water may set stain). If garments get wet dry away from direct heat , then brush in direction of the nap. 

Glamour Magazine November 2012

Sunday, December 09, 2012

BlogMas Day 9 - Heels

Don't make your heels give you hell

"Slip a pair of gel cushions into your platforms/skyscrapers/stilettos and you're ready to party until the early hours without sore feet in the morning!"

Superdrug Dare Magazine

Saturday, December 08, 2012

BlogMas Day 8 - Lips

"Lips can take a beating in the Winter (as well as the summer/hotter weather) as they have no oil glands and cant rehydrate themselves once dry or chapped." Be sure to moisturise your pout with a balm of your choice.

Superdrug Dare Magazine

Friday, December 07, 2012

BlogMas Day 7 - Hands

Keep Your Hands Silky Smooth

Five of the best tips for great hands

1. Hands are especially vulnerable to ageing. Applying a good anti- ageing hand cream that's full of nourishing goodness as part of your daily beauty routine. To stimulate circulations, rub your palms over the back of the hand and repeat with the other hand.

2. Using a specialist cuticle oil should become part of your bedtime ritual. Packed with essential oils, the soften the skin and allow you to push your cuticles back. 

3. Frequent washing can dry out your hands. New Cuticura Anti Bacterial hand serum powerfully targets bacterial but keeps skin feeling moisturised too. 

4. Exfoliating does wanders for hands as well as your face and body. Using a hand scrub once a week will leave the skin super soft. 

5. Whether inside or out, it's important to keep hand protected. Always have a pair of leather gloves for your handbag and a rubber pair by the sink for washing up.

Marie Claire Magazine November 2012

Check out my post on hand creams here

Thursday, December 06, 2012

BlogMas Day 6 - Snacks

Swap Cashew for seasonal Chestnuts and save on calories.

Boots Health and Beauty magazine

Wednesday, December 05, 2012

BlogMas Day 5 - Drinks

Struggling to down the recommended 6-8 glasses of water daily? Drinking enough H2O helps to prevent kidney damage and improve concentration. Not to mention makeup looks much better on skin which is well hydrated. Stay fit and healthy this winter.

Superdrug Dare Magazine 

Tuesday, December 04, 2012

BlogMas Day 4 - Style

A super -cute broach instantly adds ladylike luxe to any outfit. 

Marie Claire Magazine November 2012

Monday, December 03, 2012

BlogMas Day 3 - Cooking

Brussels (Sprouts) with Hustle 

Slice Brussels very finely and then part steam, part stir -fry them with little slices of streaky bacon and sage for about 10 minutes, before hitting them with garlic and Worcestershire sauce (Lea and Perrins for us common folk) at the last minute to add an extra zing. 

Jamie Oliver as told to Boots Health and Beauty Magazine

Sunday, December 02, 2012

BlogMas Day 2 - Nails

"A good nail buffer is a must have if you can't fit in a full manicure, as shiny nails instantly give you that groomed look. Start by filing nails, then buff and smooth them with the other sides before vigorously polishing for a glass like finish." 

Leyla Rudolf - for Boots Health & Beauty Magazine 

Saturday, December 01, 2012

BlogMas Day 1 - Hair

"Use a hair mask about twice a week. Also apply a drop of coconut oil to the ends of your hair every few days to help cover split ends." 

 Nicole Scherzinger as told to Boots health and beauty magazine 

Friday, November 30, 2012

The Speech

I graduated from University on Wednesday.  I am alive just doing lots of toasting, wine drinking and enjoying myself really. I have felt so many emotions coming up to this moment. I must say that I did not cry, which many of my friends thought that I would. Yayyyy me, #notearsonraduationday, #classof2012. 

All in all I would just like to thank all of my friends and family members who supported me financially emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Those who had unwavering confidence in my abilities to get this degree done (and still do). Even though at times I was trying to lead myself off the garden path, you were always there to listen and bring me back to my centre. 

To my lecturers thank you for stepping up the the challenge of being educators and passing on your knowledge, experience and support to not only myself but my peers.

Some friends/confidants have been there from the beginning, some joined in along the way, but one thing they all share, is that they saw and believed in the greatness I possess and to you all I say thank you. 

For all the well wishes and the gifts I say thank you, for all the wine and rum and cokes thank you. I wish you guys the best and hopefully you will be here in great health when I do my masters.

Kae-Toya Lee-Bramble
BA (Hons) Business Studies with Economics

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Wednesday Post

At my graduation ceremony, 
Class of 2012 stand up.

Light, Liberty and Learning. 

Monday, November 26, 2012

What to Wear to Work - T M Lewin 1898 Maxine Red Check Shirt


       Along with the trailing of the size 4 shirt on their website (go, look, buy), the powers at be, over there at T. M. Lewin sent me a shirt to trial to provide feedback on the size and fit. The shirt I was sent is the Maxine Red check shirt,  listed on the website as the "Fitted Red Check Shirt2 here . The pattern is a slanted Red check (my boss has taken to calling me Daisy Duke ever since I wore this shirt to work.)

    The material is 100% cotton as usual,  and has a bit of texture to it. The material is not as light as material used to make the Blue Dot Print shirt here, it is slightly heavier. This shirt is very suitable for use as layering piece in the colder months and can be used under a suit jacket/blazer/cardigan/vest. The colour of the shirt is deep ruby red which fits in with a winter colour palette. The patterns helps it to straddle the border between formal and casual. 


Material sample 

Shirt on hanger

Collar (Maxine)


This shirt features: 
- small collar
- a button cuff
- contoured side panels and seams
- is best washed at 40 degrees Celsius (a temperature higher and there might be some bleeding/fading of the colour) 

Fashion fades but style remains eternal. " - Yves Saint Laurent

T. M Lewin Blue Dot Print Fitted Shirt here

Friday, November 23, 2012

Winter Skincare Series - Lip Balms

     Lip balms don't tend to bring the glamour or get as much hype/excitement compared to lipsticks and lip glosses. However lip balms are very important when it comes to keeping lips moisturised. Our lips unlike the rest of our body no not contains any oil producing glands, so all the moisture they receive needs to be applied externally. Our lips need care all year round  especially during the winter months, when the cold air and fake heat can cause chapping. 

Lip balms come in many varieties, some contain colour  shimmer, spf the *moist* important part is that they moisturise the lips!!! 

Nivea lip care essential - Been using this since 2001 and I always will, unless it is discontinued. This lip balm  contains JoJoba oil and moisturises lips very effectively. It is even guy friendly no colour/no scent/ minimum shine/ affordable, so my fellas you can upgrade from those tubs of Vaseline.

Blistex Lip Massage - it works well especially around the end of january/ early february when the snow is in full force. 

Blistex Lip Conditioner -  works the same as the lip Massage but it has more menthol and comes in a little tub. 

MAC Lip Gelee - this product is a thick but ultra moisturising product. It is not quite a lipstick or lip stain not quite a gloss and delivers a wash of colour and it lasts a longggggggggggggggggg time. 

MAC lip Gelee in moistly

There you have it guys and dolls. No reason not to have the perfect pout this season.


Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Review - Leighton Denny Crystal Nail File

What they say:

The CRYSTAL NAIL FILE is an award-winning must-have from Leighton Denny - it has been carefully treated so it simply turns the nail edge to dust. Traditional nail files can leave the nail edge rough or uneven, but the CRYSTAL FILE smooths the nail completely, sealing it, leaving not a trace of a split or catch. The filing surface comes with a lifetime guarantee for 25 years. The small CRYSTAL NAIL FILE comes in a protective aluminium case so it's handbag and travel friendly.

Good nail practice is to file from the side of the nail in one direction towards the middle. If you prefer the Crystal nail file can be used back and forth - the only nail file that can be used this way.  File nails  to a gentle curve  echoing the the shape of the cuticle.  Keep nails filed to an even length.  It is better to have 10 nails of an even length than a mix of short n long nails. 

Rinse file in warm water from time to time to clean and restore performance.


What I say:

   If you don't have one you need to buy one. For the fellas your mother, sister, cousin, best friend, girl friend, fiancee, wife needs one of these. I have been wanting a new nail file for about 6 months. Since I have not been using aryclic nails for 2012 I have been taking more time with my nails. At home manicures are one of my new favourite things/money saving tips/tricks.  I found this nail file by total accident I was browsing in Boots and was attracted to the sticker. This file was behind another nail file hence I did not notice it at first, but then I did and  took it out to have a look. After reading the back I was a bit apprehensive at the price (I wont lie) but then I thought if I buy 3 nail files then that will equate to the price.  I used it as soon as I was able to and I was thoroughly impressed. I also like the fact that it comes with an aluminium case to protect it while it is in my bag. I am one of those people who likes to have my stuff with me,  there are usually a few stray bits around the bottom of my bag, which may not be nail file friendly. 


Price of nail file - £12.50  --------------------> it is totally worth it though. 

would i buy full priced - yes
would i recommend? - yes
would i repurchase? - yes 


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