Saturday, January 21, 2012

Positive words of discouragement

     I think that at times in being positive, people are still negative. They say things intending to be nice or in their minds supportive, but throw in ad libs and by lines which are very f**King negative. These things my aunt refers to as positive words of discouragement.These add ons usually begin like this ----> people who do those things, "think" yadda yadda yadda, or "if you go do that make sure, for" yadda yadda yadda." Look make up your mind you are either supportive or not supportive. End of the day even if it is only an attendance certificate, people work hard and they should be allowed to be proud and celebrate, because that is an accomplishment. I keep saying over and over we need to celebrate the small things,so that when the big things come they can be taken it in stride. 

Be truly supportive

Miss Mai

1 comment:

  1. re: taking a stance supportive or un-supportive. I think that outlook is a tad simplistic.

    Perhaps the person is merely providing commentary on a situation choosing instead to point out the positive and the negative.

    I think that the nature of most things is dualistic




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