Saturday, April 09, 2011


Liam Neeson is on point regarding his explanation of insanity in the movie "Limitless", though it is not the well known Albert Einstein concept of "doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results", it got me thinking. Why do we as human beings expect so much yet do so little in terms of change? If you have been toiling away for days weeks months and you can see no progress from where you started, ummmm isn't that a bit insane? And if this is the case and you can recognize it clearly, is it not the time to "take a risk, take a chance and make a change?" There is nothing wrong with wanting more or to be a better person but you have to be willing to change, adapt and come up with a new strategy.

Come out of the darkness and step into the sun.

1 comment:

  1. Totally on point. I always had the same thought in mind. How many times can you beat your read on a dead horse before u realize its dead and move on. Change is ever occurring. We are just resistant to it even when its in our best interest to embrace it.



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