Sunday, February 19, 2012

Updated Hair care regimen August 2011 to January 2012

      This is my updated hair care regimen, mainly due to the new products introduced to my haircare regimen. I had not planned to start using Elasta QP products, what happened was that my aunt forgot that she had these products (mainly due to the fact that I was in Antigua all summer and not around to bug her about her hair) and bought a completely new set. So being the Economic student that I am, I asked her for them and she said yes I could have them, These products consisted of the Elasta QP Stop Action Shampoo, and the Elasta QP Intense fortifying conditioner

       I had been using these products on her hair for roughly 8 months so I knew that the Elasta QP products were a good line to use. Later I was gifted with a Elasta QP Shampoo for Relaxed Hair and a Elasta QP Mango/Olive butter. In December after being pleased with the results, I purchased the Elasta QP Breakage control serum, this is also a great product. The shampoos in the Elasta QP range maintain a ph of 4.5 - 5.5 so they are not overly drying to my hair and all off the products are full of vitamins and lovely oils such as Avocado, Coconut and Olive oil. 

My regimen as far as my wash day still remains the same I detangle my hair thoroughly using my wide toothed shower comb and comb all my hair back so that it is in 1 direction. 

- Next I run water over my hair in the shower for 2-3 minutes. 

- Then I apply the Elasta QP Stop Action Shampoo for the first lather. (I use a mixture of 50% water/ 50% shampoo this helps the shampoo spread better and it is not just a glob of product in 1 place. Also you save money, because the products last longer) This is a clarifying shampoo so it will gently remove all of the product buildup from my hair. I massage the sides of my scalp then the back and the front. Then I rinse.

- For the second wash ( I only wash my hair twice ) I apply the Elasta QP Shampoo for Relaxed Hair (here I also use a mixture of 50% water / 50% shampoo, sometimes I make it or 75% shampoo / 25% water). Again I massage the sides of my scalp then the back and the front, then I rinse the shampoo from my hair. 

- Next I blot my hair with a clean towel, and I apply my deep conditioning treatment "Elasta QP Intense Fortifying Conditioner + 2 tablespoons olive oil" mixed together to my semi dry hair. I cover with a 2 plastic bags and wait 30- 60 minutes. I usually watch a tv show during this time. My natural body heat allows the conditioner to work, penetrating the hair shaft. 

- After rinsing out the deep treatment I blot my hair 90% dry using a clean towel and I apply my leave in conditioner Infusium 23 maximum body formula (75% Infusium 23 + 25% water). Then I apply my Aphogee Green Tea and Keratin reconstructor spray.  Then I comb through with my wide toothed shower comb. 

- Next I apply my Matrix Biolage Sleek Look Iron smoother "heat protection spray" (yes the same bottle from August 2010, it is still going strong) and I comb that through my hair.

-  Then I blow dry my hair in sections. If I am going to flat iron my hair I will add some Fantasia IC Heat protection serum to my hair after blow drying comb that through my blow dried hair and then flat Iron my hair. 

- To maintain my hair between washes (I was washing my hair every two weeks at this point) I would moisturize my scalp using Olive oil. I would moisturize and seal my hair using Elasta QP Olive / Mango butter, Or my Elasta QP Olive/Mango butter Mega Mix and seal my ends using olive oil. 

** Due to the fact I started stretching my relaxers from 8 weeks to 12 weeks. I began to use the Hairveda Almond glaze on my scalp/ new growth during week 6 -12 of my relaxer stretch. See my review on this product here

Also other things I have been doing include half heat--> blowdrying but not straightening (flat ironing) my hair. Blowdrying my hair with NO heat. Basically I keep the heat setting button off but I use the speed setting so I get cool air but no heat. Keeping my hair in french braids and pinning up my ends. Also I have been occasionally spraying some leave in conditioner on my hair, just here and there one or two sprays to keep moisture levels up. 

Love your tresses
Miss Mai 


  1. 75% Olive oil and Mango butter + 2 large spoonfuls of either Castor oil, Olive oil, or Almond oil mixed well together it makes it smooth and creamy really good for using in the winter months.



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