Sunday, October 10, 2010

MYST BODY 2011: #4

Today was a sess (pronounched sesh, short for session) I went to church first, then went jogging. For some reason my phone has not been alarming at 7am when it is supposed too. This kinda distresses me because I had thought I was sleeping through my alarm so I have been a few minutes late for lectures and seminars this week (the life of an Economist.) The Jog was great I really feel that I have turned the tide, my breathing was alot better than yesterday and I didn't feel like gosh I want to drop down dead. My cool down was great also. I didn't stretch before starting the jog because I had walked to church and walked back, so I though that was a sufficient enough warm up for my legs. Please remember that I am a university student so though I am going to be jogging most days I might not post about the jogs everyday, I will however post as many times as I can. Sometimes I do go through drought periods where I don't want to write about anything. 

Todays breakfast consisted of (communion bread) that was a joke. On the real breakfast was 3 heaping cereal spoons of Yeo Valley Organic strawberry natural yogurt ( aka no sugar) mixed with 2 heaping cereal spoons of raw oats, a glass of orange, mango and passion fruit smoothie, a glass of orange juice, and 2 cod liver oil tablets. 


  1. sounds like you on your way to being fir for life for real, keep up the good work.

  2. doesn't jogging by yourself get boring? what do u do to combat that?

  3. Everything in life can be considered boring when you do it on your own. some days my roomate and I jog together. When I'm on my own I listen to my Ipod.



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